9 Reasons to Create a Personal YouTube Channel

If you use the internet, then you know about YouTube. This is my primary source of entertainment. But after a while I started to feel unsatisfied. I would flip through tons of random videos but still feel this ’empty’ feeling.


So recently, I started a personal vlog on my YouTube Channel and it has been a blast! My theory is that if you create videos and vlogs it will lead you to live a more interesting life. It will force you to try new things and go on epic adventures.

Below are the 8 reasons you should start a personal YouTube channel!

1. It’s Fun

I didn’t think I would laugh so hard at my own videos. Even silly, spontaneous videos on a cell phone or ipad before bedtime can be EXTREMELY fun. I would dare to say it’s almost like meditation.

It allows you to create in a very abstract way. You can video tape yourself, others, and see different perspectives of the same event! Never in history has this skill been so accessible! Get out and have a blast making videos!

2. Self Reflection

Seeing yourself on video can help you improve. I grew up playing baseball and when I got to college, the iPad helped me take my hitting to the next level.

Being able to easily record and replay my swing to make tweaks within a few minutes was INCREDIBLE. This applies to things outside of sports as well such as speeches, artwork, or even investing.

Also, Action cameras such as GoPros and Rylo allow you to be incredibly active and film at the same time, hands free.

3. Improve Self-Confidence

After you spend some time video taping yourself, you can see improvements. You can have PHYSICAL EVIDENCE and WATCH YOURSELF IMPROVE!  This is a great strategy for creating confidence.

Whether it’s a sport or a creation, having video records can be uplifting especially if you do it for years! You can look back and see what you used to look like and compare it to what you do now!

Lastly, when you know you have to watch a video of yourself, you will try a little bit harder to do well. No one wants to see half-ass effort on camera!

4. Inspire Others to Try New Things

This is the main reason video and social media combination is so powerful:

It’s shareable!

I have put a dozen videos up at this point and have gotten a small amount of views. Mostly friends and family. But the response is great! People ask me about the adventures and I get to share stories, always encouraging them to get out there and create adventures of their own!

People who watch your video will most likely think one of 2 things:

  1. That looks fun! I want to try!
  2. If THEY can do it then I know I can!

Inspire people with action!

5. Share Your Values and Beliefs

This can be very annoying or really uplifting. One of my favorite people to watch on YouTube is Wrangler Star. He and his family do a great job of vlogging home-steading projects and sharing expert insights to real issue such as family matters, environmental concerns, and much more.

Vlogging can be valuable for future generations, which is one of the main reasons I want to create an archive of my own values and adventures so my children can learn from my life lessons.

6. Make People Laugh

One of the great joys in life is making other people laugh. Video is a great way to do that! People will laugh at awesome clips or if you are just being goofy.

Laughter is great medicine and can help anyone. It can also be a sustainable way to motivate yourself to keep putting up videos!

If it is getting shares, likes, and reactions you could be on to something!

7. Make a Name for Yourself

This is one of the most important benefits of creating a personal YouTube Channel. A YouTube Channel will allow you to share your content and it will give people something to ask you about when you run into them.

No more conversations about, ‘how is work going?’ No one really cares about that crap. Since I started putting my videos up I have not gotten any questions about work. People always ask about my videos!

Making a name for yourself does not necessarily mean becoming famous. It’s about letting people know who you are and what you are about!

8. Make Money

If you are just hearing this, welcome to the 21st century. Yes, you can make money on YouTube and many people make a living putting up content!

It’s not all it’s cracked up to be 100% of the time. It is a constant grind with tons of learning and frustration. Not to mention the hoops to jump through in order to monetize your channel. But it is a way to create passive, recurring income through multiple sources.

9. It’s a Great Way to Connect with People

Let’s be honest, when you video tape yourself doing something you are passionate about, it is going to be received differently by different people. Some will love it, some will hate it.

But, if you build a following and bring value to people, you will connect with people that you never would have otherwise. People will reach out and tell you what they think. Many YouTubers get gifts from people all the time!

Another benefit is connecting with people you love even more. Once they see your interests they may want to join you!

How to Start:

Brain storm a few ideas of what you would like to capture on video. I enjoy adventures, podcasting, stand-up, and music. Write down a few deadlines and do 100 videos before looking at results (subscribers, view,etc.) This is just what I have told myself, not professional advice 🙂

A few more points on Starting your own channel:

You DO NOT NEED TO HAVE A PERFECT SET UP. Just start making videos!

Look at some popular uploads, trends, or challenges on YouTube and try to make similar videos with your own style.

Video quality does not matter. You will get better at making videos over time, but if you believe in this message, get out there and make it happen with whatever camera you got!

Put Passion into every video.

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